Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My First Blog on My Blog...Nearly 2 Years Ago

In October of 2008, fresh off a trip to North Carolina to attend my brother's wedding, I came home, renewed and rejuvenated from being with friends and family, and decided to start a blog. But I had feelings of ambiguity: is it too vain? Narcissistic? Perhaps. But no one is being forced to read it. So, I wrote my first post:

"I've always thought blogs to be a bit vain. Who wants to waste their sacred time reading something I've written or looking at pictures of my family? Then, my precious friend, Heather Spriggs Thompson, began one. Now I get it. I very much enjoy checking her blog for updates on her life, reading musings from her heart, seeing her latest artwork and recipes, and feeling like I've spent time in her presence, even though we're nine hours apart. Soon after, other friends began blogs as well, cataloging the birth of children, holiday get-togethers, vacations and the like. So...I thought, with a second child on the way, this could be a great way to stay in touch with family and friends. (And, this could also serve to get me out of the doghouse for not regularly sending out pictures of Timothy.) So, thanks in advance for taking the time to peek into our lives and connect with us...even if we are many miles apart."

And then I didn't touch it again for nearly two years.

But today, at the end of July, 2010 (and strangely at another major milestone in my brother's life: he and his wife just welcomed a baby girl into the world on the 29th), I realized I still feel exactly the same. I've since had another precious boy. Started working again. Life is B-U-S-Y. But I have an insatiable desire to connect. To share my feelings, thoughts, pictures, life happenings. It's a sad indicator of our lives, our society, that I have to turn to the internet to do this (can you imagine a pioneer woman, living in an established community, feeling the need to connect? She probably wished her mother, mother-in-law, sisters, cousins, and grandmother would just get out of her kitchen for one moment so she could just fix the darn cornbread her own blasted way!)

So, here I am. My first post, two years delayed. I am promising myself that this won't be a scheduled, have-to thing. I already have enough of those. And I pledge to never do this to the detriment of my children: i.e. when they are screaming and hanging from my arms with saggy, soggy diapers and/or begging for a cup of milk or to go to the park, I will not post. I promise, boys.

Welcome, friends. Welcome to my home and to my heart.


1. Anonymous said...

My hear is so overwhelmed with delight that I hardly know how to say it all in this tiny little comment box! First of all, Welcome to blogland. Its addictive but totally exciting and rewarding too! Secondly Im inspired by your energy, your honest approach and gracing the world now with your creativity. I always thought you would make such an incredible blogger! Of course one of my first thoughts was: I wanna feature Ginny!!!!!! YEah!! But of course would do no such thing without your permission. And thirdly, how on earth do you find the time! Wow! (even before church). CRazy! But PTL! Love you dear!

2. Ginny said...

I'm blushing with your (delicious) praise! Thank you so much. Of course you can feature me (picture me, left hand on hip, right hand "poofing" up my jaw-length hair).

Did you see how many postings I did today? Crazy. It is so much fun.

There are thousands of blogs out there like mine (moms who like to cook and want somewhere new to gush about their kids), but I am excited to be doing this all the same.