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Thursday, August 19, 2010

10 Years Strong

Today is a wonderful day: Chris and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary.  To say that we are more in love than ever is an understatement.  He is my best friend, my earthly rock (as opposed to the Rock that God is in my life), and the best father to our boys that I could ever ask for.  He's the one who taught me to love roller coasters and backpacking and being covered head-to-toe with dirt and grime as we build our dream backyard together.  To say we haven't had our struggles would be ridiculous (and seriously - what marriage hasn't?).  But we have weathered those storms.  And we are better for it now. 

And so my heart is rejoicing with the moment that--oh my goodness--I just looked at the clock, and it is exactly 1:15--the time our wedding began 10 years ago today!  The wedding was a little late getting started, and when I entered the church to walk down the aisle, on the arm of my precious little brother, the string quartet could not find their music to "The Wedding March" and there was a terribly awkward silence.  But they found it and, although a little out of tune, I was able to walk the aisle--my Princess Moment--to my man.  I couldn't be more proud of him, of us.

Thanks for "letting" me share that.

This bit of loveliness below is a card from my dear Heather Spriggs Thompson of Gathering Spriggs.  Please take a look at her amazing blog here.  Heather is so many things to me beyond a precious, priceless jewel of a friend; we've been through a lot together (since the 6th grade!) and cannot fathom life without each other.   These are roses picked from her own Nashville garden; they survived the deluge Tennessee has received in the past week. 

1 comment:

  1. thank you dear bosom buddy for these tender words. you generous love and heartfelt praise bring me more joy than these precious blossoms. i love to hear your heart on the page (eh hem, screen.. but page sounds more poetic). anyway, this sweet post has given me time to reflect on our past, our story. your story, my story. our intertwined stories. could you say that we are 20 years strong? actually more like 21-22 years strong!! Wow!!!!!! God is good! He knew before The Shearers moved to Post Oak Road and before the Spriggs moved to Fulton street that we would be here today. exchanging and engaging in ways we never could've imagined. PTL!
