Recipe Index

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Home from the Market

Matthew and I ventured back out to the Farmers' Market today.  I will let the pictures tell the story.  (Except, the one thing they can't tell you is it was H-O-T.  By 10:30 AM it was already 93, but with the smothering humidity factored in, who knows what it was...just really hot.  We had a great time all the same.  It was sort of like when you're out shopping and about to faint with hunger but you walk into your favorite store and they're having a 75% off sale and somehow, your hunger just evaporates into the sale racks.  That happened as soon as I pushed Matthew's stroller up to the market;  I just embraced the heat as part of the experience and remembered how much I would miss this sweaty feeling in February.)

Her music was beyond lovely.

One of the fun things about this Farmers' Market is there is much more to choose from beyond veggies, flowers, and the ubiquitous weird wooden baskets (who buy those things?).  In addition to the violinist, there was a girl selling her gorgeous artwork.  I did ask her permission to take photos; enjoy them!  I think the hummingbirds are my favorite. 

Here are the goodies we brought home.  I can think of a lot of ways to spend $25, but I think this is my favorite:  perfectly ripe peaches, scalloped squash, corn, some sort of beautiful purple and green speckled bean, cherry tomatoes, fingerling potatoes, local honey, and a dozen fresh eggs. 

Wouldn't you agree?

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