Recipe Index

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Love for my Mom & Sister!

I'm going to make some date tartlets at some point this weekend.

My mom sent me some dates after her recent trip to California.  In the box, she included a photocopy of a recipe for date cookies from a book my grandmother had when Mom was just a child. 

Cool.  I love vintage cookbooks.

I also love my mom (who is not vintage, by the way.  I hope to look as good as she does 26 years from now.).

Thank God for good grandmas.

Did I mention that my mom and sister, Maggie, watched the boys for us for a week while we were in California? 

Now that is love.

Speaking of love, I love my sister.

Mags with the boys, right after Matthew was born

Mags & Timothy, September 2007

Mags and her precious (late) dog, Lyla.
Rest in peace, sweet puppy.

Mags is an awesome, tough, nearly-fearless human being who has at some point attempted nearly every extreme sport on the planet.

Retrieving our radio-controlled plane from a tree.

She climbed the tree like a monkey. 
Look closely for her. 
She's waaaaay up there.

Additional Maggie Talents include:

Serious rock climbing abilities...
Image courtesy of Kim Meyers

Riding a "skinny" at the local mountain bike trail...




But here's the truest representation of my sis:

She is going to make some fortunate man an awesome wife someday.

We just have to find him first.

(***UPDATE!!!!  She FOUND him!  Maggie and the wonderful Mr. Cuyler Smith were married in March or 2012!  God brought them together...perfectly!)

Before their first date, the potential Mr. Maggie will have to complete an obstacle course including changing a busted mountain bike tire on the edge of a 14,000-foot peak while blindfolded, free-climbing a "5-14" rated crack (that's rock climber lingo) with one hand tied behind his back, kayaking a Class 4 whitewater rapid without getting his hair wet, and cooking fresh green beans with slivered almonds and an organic fig sauce while standing on his head. He must also be able to sleep with two giant, aging, stinky yellow labs in the back of her pickup truck for 10 days without a shower and not smell bad on the last day.

You think I'm kidding.

When Mags was in high school, she could out-climb, out-run, out-throw every potential boyfriend (she still can). She is a beautiful girl with a preciously tender and feminine heart, but she unintentionally intimidates all male creatures.

She's been life-flighted, for Pete's sake.

(Now would be a good time to say a prayer for my mother.)

But we know God has a man out there for her.

This guy will be a cross between He-Man and The Incredible Hulk (without the anger issues and skin problems) who loves Jesus and wants to have a bunch of kids.

He must also be better than her at all extreme sports and must have had more concussions (and scars) than she has.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! That's the Maggie I know for sure.. with one exception: I'm thinking she'll think he is too prissy if he doesn't get his hair wet while kayaking..
