Recipe Index

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Zesty Chicken

My last recipe was so lengthy that it required no less than 12 "scroll downs" with the wheel on my mouse.

That's ridiculous.

This is "Cooking With Chopin", not "Cooking with War and Peace."

To redeem myself, I am posting this easy-peasy chicken recipe. 

It has two ingredients and requires a Ziplock bag. 

If you can unscrew a bottle of salad dressing and turn on your oven, you can make this chicken.

You can use any cut of chicken you prefer.

It also works well with beef for kabobs.

The longer the meat marinates, the better.

(But sometimes I forget to do it ahead of time and it only marinates for 30 minutes.)

It's still tasty.

And the house smells terrific when it's baking.

Zesty Chicken
1/2 bottle Italian Dressing (or your favorite non-cream-based dressing)
6 chicken legs (or any cut you have on hand)
1-gallon "zip-close" plastic bag

Place the meat in the plastic bag.  Add just enough dressing to cover the meat.  Refrigerate overnight for best flavor. Set the plastic bag inside a large bowl in the fridge...just in case it springs a leak.

Crank up the oven to 350 degrees.

Line a baking dish with parchment paper.

Arrange chicken on paper; discard remaining marinade.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, until juices run clear.


  1. Sweeeet... this one is my speed! :)

    Hey, I have an idea for your blog ~ mostly a selfish idea because it would help me, but anyway... You know how fancy restaurants have a "suggested wine" with each meal... you could have "suggested side dishes" and then link to your other recipes. Maybe call it something like, "This is great served with _____" idk.. just a thought. :)

  2. Great idea! I'm all over it!

    Now to get some side dish ideas on here.

    Before you know it, I'm going to have to have an automatically-generated grocery list, too! I love those things - they are so handy.

  3. Hey, I just came across your yummy blog and thought I would say hi! I noticed you like OTR, Audrey Hepburn movies... and have two adorable boys as well. :) You might enjoy my new photography blog, Please feel free to stop by sometime! I will definitely be back to visit your blog again soon, I'm jotting it down in my tiny notebook.

    Blessings, Erin
