Recipe Index

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bittersweet Chocolate Pecan Pie

If you have grown a bit weary of the standard pecan pie, take heart:  this pie will change your outlook on life.  Or at least your outlook for the day. 

Ooey gooey filling + morsels of ooey gooey bittersweet chocolate + a chewy topping of chopped pecans?  One bite of this deliciousness makes me say, "Problems?  What problems?"

I can't take credit for this recipe.  My dear friend Liz brought the pie to our Thanksgiving feast. 

I nearly got down on one knee and proposed to it. 

She was so sweet to give me the recipe.

Friends, please make this pie. 

You can make your own crust, if you fancy such endeavors.  I recommend this recipe.

Bittersweet Chocolate Pecan Pie
Makes a 9-inch pie

3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of light corn syrup
2 tablespoons of melted butter
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 1/2 cups of chopped pecans
1/2 a cup of bittersweet chocolate chips (any type of chocolate will do:  even upwards of 70% cocoa)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

If you are making your own pie dough, see this recipe.   Press it into a pie dish.

If you are using store-bought pie dough, unroll the dough and press it into a pie dish. 

In a large bowl, lightly beat eggs with a fork.  Mix in the sugar, corn syrup, melted butter and vanilla.  Mix very well.  Add chocolate pieces and stir to incorporate.  Pour mixture into the baked pie shell.  Sprinkle the pecans on top of the pie.  Bake in the oven for 60-70 minutes or until the filling has set.

Serve with whipped cream.  (I made mine in the mixer using heavy whipping cream spiked with vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon, and a splash of coffee.  You could also be naughty and spike it with bourbon or Kahluh.)

Or, go easy on yourself and buy the canned stuff.  Be sure to squirt some directly into your mouth.  It's a requirement.   

1 comment:

  1. Yummmm! I'll never grow tired of the regular pecan pie, but I'll have to try this. Thanks! :)
