Recipe Index

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cucumber Slices with White Bean Dip and Roasted Red Peppers

I am feeling the need to redeem myself here.

One of my best friends, Christy, called me yesterday.

She's trying to eat healthier and chided me for making her drool and covet buttery things by posting such naughty recipes. 

Y'all!  I'm so sorry. 

I do not normally eat such rich, sinful, delicious foods.

(But they are a great deal of fun to make.)

I have several friends who have lost 20-30 pounds in the past year. 

Amazing job, girls! 

In an effort to win back their friendship, I am posting this little appetizer. 

It's SO yummy and pretty.

And it will not make anyone's bottom bigger.

(The roasted garlic and lemon white bean dip is the creation of my friend, Wendy.  Her original recipe, a guest post, can be found here. )

You can easily substitute hummus or other dips as well.

I like to score cucumbers with a fork before I slice them.

Slice them about 1/4 of an inch thick.

Add a dollop of dip to each cucumber.
Garnish with finely chopped red peppers, dill, and lemon zest.

An eye-pleasing, mouth-pleasing, and hip-pleasing snack!


  1. These look and sound wonderful! Can't wait to make them.

  2. I am going to try this recipe in a few days! It looks so nice & people really want to just pop a few yummy things into their mouth, right? This looks like a great recipe!! hugs, Cathy
