Recipe Index

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello Again

Sorry for the long hiatus...Chris and I have been out of town since Sunday.  I had some posts "scheduled" so anyone who happened to stop by the blog would find something new to read, but I clearly messed that up. 

Chris and I went to New York City for a little vacation.  And we had a fantastic time. 

Good morning, Manhattan.

We ate a lot, but we also walked a lot.  I guess it all evens out, or so I am telling myself.  There are so many stairs to climb in the city.  Up and out of the subway stations.  Up to buildings.  We visited the New York Public Library and stayed there, enjoying the peace and quiet while reading some books and journaling, for about two hours. 

Of course the library has elevators, but we took the stairs.  Six flights of stairs up to the most beautiful mural-covered rotunda I've ever seen. 

The ceiling was at least 40 feet tall. 

All marble.

Crazy gorgeous.

But I was huffing and puffing when I got to the top while, surrounded by both native New Yorkers and multitudes of tourists, trying to mask the fact that I was huffing and puffing, desiring to project some sort of image that I am "in shape."  Which I am not. The mouth-breathing and beads of sweat on my nose gave me away.

While I was away, I had time to think about some upcoming blog posts.  And I am really excited to share them.  More to come soon!

And also---our trip would have never been possible without the help of our friends:  Anjie and Kevin for watching our ancient little Maltese, Pockets, Jolana and Brad for watching Harriet, and Liz and Brian for watching the boys (please join me in giving Liz a standing ovation:  in addition to loving our boys so well and caring for them as she would her own, she punched a llama (it was charging Timothy at the drive-thru safari in the petting zoo area), weathered Matthew's teething and both kids having colds, and did nearly all of the boys' laundry, saving me so much time when I came home).  Thank you, dear friends. 

Sorry for the extreme randomness.  I've been up since 2:30 AM...


  1. Ohhh yay! you are back! I love this & can't wait to see more. I ordered bacon wrapped dates in honour of you last night..... soooooo delish. can't wait to chat. love you

  2. Ummmm...bacon? :)

    That does sound yummy.

    I want to hear all about your night and how Lex did at auntie's house.

    BTW - we thought of Mr. Lexer about 1,000 times in NYC as our hotel was on the corner of Lexington and 51st...
