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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award...Oh My!

I recently received a great honor…Heather at Gathering Spriggs blessed me with a Stylish Blogger Award. Quite the privilege!

To keep with the award format, I am to share some random tidbits of information about myself and then pass along the award.

If you receive the award please:
  • Share seven things about yourself.
  • “Pay it forward” and pass this on to bloggers who are deserving.
  • Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.
Seven random things about me:

1) I am terribly uncomfortable with being "served."  If a waitress is filling my glass or removing my plate, I want to jump up and help or offer her a seat. 

2)  In my mind and heart, I am an organized person.  I love organization and having everything neatly in it's non-cluttered space.  But the reality is, I'm a slob and am always rushing to put things away so I can have more time to do other things (like cook).  You never know what will fall on your head if you open my closet or pantry. 

3) I was in a pre-med program in college.  One local doctor (a very trusting individual who broke many rules to allow me to "intern") let me give a man an injection of lidocaine in the neck prior to the removal of a tag mole.  I was so nervous that afterward I ran outside and threw up on the sidewalk. 

4) I develop weird emotional attachments to appliances and vehicles. 

5) I enjoy ironing.  The smell of the heated starch and the sound of it hissing under the heat of the iron is very therapeutic to me.

6)  I am a moderately intense germaphobic.  During the "say-good-morning-to-someone" time at church, I am so nervous to shake hands.  And when my kids get sick, I act like a CDC official and track down where they contracted their illness. 

7)  I ran a marathon in college.  Although I did finish, I ran so slowly that I could hear the gravel crunching beneath the tires of the police car, who was bringing up the rear, behind me almost the entire way. 

Now I pass along the Stylish Blogger award to:

1) Caneel at Mama Me Gluten Free:  Caneel and I were college roommates.  Her family has recently gone completely gluten free due to celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.  She just started her blog and is doing a wonderful job.  Her recipes are delicious and serve an under-represented audience in the food blog world.

2) Stacy at Plain and Simple as That:  Stacy and I have been friends since 2005.  She sometimes refers to herself as a "plain Jane" but is an elaborately-talented writer and thinker and has created a blog to share her insights into many facets of life.  I like to go there to get smarter.

3)  Heather at Sit a Spell:  Heather does not know me, but she inspires me almost every day.  She and her family (husband and four boys) are missionaries in Haiti.  Her stories and descriptions of the country and its people are incredible.  Twice a week, she works at a ministry for women called Heartline.  Volunteers give pregnant women desperately-needed medical care and tend to their hearts (and newborns, when they arrive) as well.  It's amazing work.  In one post, Heather can make me both laugh until my sides hurt and do the "ugly cry".

4)  Erin at Rare and Beautiful Treasures:  I started following Erin's blog last fall when I was in a sleep-deprived, post-partum funk.  Though she doesn't write much in each blog entry, her well-chosen words helped lift me out of the pit.  She and I recently became "Facebook friends" and I am honored to have the privilege of getting to know her better.

Image:  Google Images


  1. Ginny dear, there's a name for #4. I saw it on Boston Legal...a girl that was having an affair with her cell phone:) Maybe you can figure it out with your pre-med background, but hopefully the treatment won't cause you to have the same reaction as the shot incident.

  2. Ginny dear, there's a name for #4. I saw it on Boston Legal...a girl that was having an affair with her cell phone:) Maybe you can figure it out with your pre-med background, but hopefully the treatment won't cause you to have the same reaction as the shot incident.

  3. You are too sweet! Thank you for your kind words. I'm a little worried if you come to me to get smarter! :)

  4. Wow, Ginny! Thank you! I'll have to come up with some kind of acceptance tomorrow. You are not the only one who is a germaphobe who really could do without meet and greet time at church and tracks down sick info. Knowing the incubation time so I can be prepared when it will hit the next family member is very important to me, lol!
