Recipe Index

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Roasted Squash and Swiss Chard Salad

Swiss chard is a gorgeous "winter" green.

Loaded with folates, flavenoids, and betalains, swiss chard is second only to spinach in an analysis of nutrient-richness of the world's healthiest veggies.

Plus it tastes good.

Especially in this recipe.

Almost any type of squash will do. 

Cut the leaf away from the colored stem.

And the roughly chop the chard.

Slice the squash in half,

then cut into one-inch thick pieces.

Place squash on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper,
and roast at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Mix together orange zest and chopped parsley.

Mix with the roasted squash.
Toss squash with the chopped greens.

I also tossed with some of this dressing. 
It's optional.

Roasted Squash and Swiss Chard Salad
Serves 4-6

1 bunch Swiss Chard, rinsed, cut away from stem, and roughly chopped
1 pound squash (Delicata, butternut, even zucchini will do), seeded, sliced, and roasted
2-3 teaspoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Zest of half an orange
1/4 cup shaved Parmesan
1 tablespoon shaved radish (optional)
1/4 cup toasted pecans, chopped (optional)
3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice

Preheat oven to 400. 

If the squash you are using has a thick skin (like butternut), peel the skin, hollow out the seeds, and chop into one-inch slices. 

If you are using a squash such as zucchini, simply slice it in half lengthwise, and then chop it into one-inch thick slices.

Place the squash on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and bake for 25 minutes, until very tender.

Remove squash from oven and toss with the chopped parsley and orange zest. 

In a mixing bowl, toss the parsley-coated squash with the raw chopped chard, cheese, radish (if using), pecans, and lemon juice.

(At this point you can drizzle on a little additional dressing if you'd like...)

And serve. 


  1. I don't think I've ever had chard. I figured it was like collard greens. Is it sweet or does it have a strong flavour?

  2. Stacy- chard is not sweet, but has more of a strong spinach flavor. Possibly an "acquired" taste for those who can't eat raw spinach, but I think it is really quite good.

  3. you always are one step ahead of me. i love that you are easing my fear about all those unknown crazy veggies in the fresh produce section. i just past by swiss chard last night after picking up some brussel sprouts and parsnips (for the first time .. thanks to you). and wondered what it was.,
    thanks for relieving my fear of unknown produce.

    ps. i have a gluten free coffee cake in the oven and thinking of you!

  4. Ginny, I love your blog! It is the best food blog that I have read! You are so cute at describing your recipes! I am just getting caught up on a few posts and I am so excited to try a few more of your recipes! Thanks for inspiring us & motivating us to cook healthy meals!! Please do a post on how you photograph your food! My pics never turn out that great!! Also, I am getting ready to buy a new camera (mine was stolen in December, ugh!) and would love to know the model & your "go to" lenses! hugs, Cathy

  5. I just tried this recipe last week. YUM! thank you! It's totally in my all time favorite things to make book. I wrote a blog post about it (and credited you, of course!)

  6. i made this tonight after reading elizabeth's post. it was great! i subsituted butternut squash, spinach and cilantro with toasted pecans, Yum.
    It was on my grocery planning list for the week. thanks to your great post last week on domestic!
