Recipe Index

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rocket Excitement!

I married a man who has hobbies.

Lots of hobbies.

Chris enjoys backpacking, landscaping, building and playing with radio-controlled cars, building and flying model airplanes, riding BMX bikes, racing slot cars...  I could go on!

But the wonderful thing about each of these hobbies is that kids love this stuff, too.

So naturally, when kids are at our house, which they always are, they flock to my husband.

Like the pied-piper.

(It blesses my heart!)

Several years ago, I gave Chris a model rocket for his birthday.

This isn't a pip-squeak little rocket.

If we were to use the largest "engines" that can fit the rocket, we'd have to get FAA clearance prior to launching it.


Chris built a "launch pad" and a "launching center" complete with buttons and beeps and blinking lights. The two are connected by about 20 feet of wire.

Several Saturdays ago, we had an impromptu rocket launching party.  We met at a local soccer field and let the kids take turn launching the rockets.

When we first arrived, we were greeted by a very noble guest:

A bald eagle.

The pied-piper with the kids.

Racing to the launching center.

First up:  the little one.
These rockets deploy parachutes as they
descend so they don't become "lawn darts".

Our friend, Corey (shielding his face from the sun in the picture below),
was the first launcher.

After a failed launch, Chris had to make a few small adjustments.

The kids decided to just read the directions...
You know, when all else fails...

Joseph passes the time with the oldest toy of all:  rocks.

We have lift-off!

Corey makes a successful recovery.

The Decaffinator! 
(Yes, it's made of styrofoam cups.)

Our next launcher:  Jack!

Jack good-naturedly receiving launching instructions from the girls.
We girls know it all, you know.


Blast Off!

Great launch, Jack!

Next up:  Joshua!

Joshua's expression is my favorite.
This is exactly how I look when I open a can of biscuits.
He had a successful launch!

My boy Timothy was up next. 
This "pose" is the result of having a mother
who wants to take your picture all the time.

The Big Dawg rocket.
The one that needs FAA clearance if you use the big engines.


We'll try again next time!

Since there are approximately only two male species who read this blog, I just have to post this next picture.

This is my precious friend, Anjie.  One of the male readers happens to be her husband, Kevin.

Anjie had been holding her wiggly one-year-old boy, Judah, for approximately an hour and a half.

Anjie has three other boys.

That's a total of four kids.

Please raise your hand if you wished your rear view looked this good after having four kids.

(Love you, Anjie!!!)


  1. Ben Evans reads this as much as anyone- that's 3 males who are readers.

  2. ***Raising right hand***


    Cool post. I love the pictures!
