Recipe Index

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Spiced Parsnip Soup

A soul-warming soup for a cold winter's day.

Parsnips impart their subtle earthy flavor to this simple, velvety soup.

Peel the parsnips.
Slice in half lengthwise, and then cut across in half-inch sections.

Add parsnips to 6 cups of chicken stock or broth.

Bring to a boil and then let simmer until tender, about 15 minutes.

Spices (clockwise):  salt, cinnamon, cloves, curry, and cumin.

In you go, little darlings!

Transfer tender parsnips to a food processor (or blender), puree, return to reserved liquid, add cream (if using), and enjoy!

Cream added...

Without cream...

Suggestion:  serve with crusty French bread and this delicious salad.

Spiced Parsnip Soup
4-5 servings

4 parsnips (about a pound), peeled, cut in half lengthwise and then across into half-inch lengths
6 cups chicken stock or broth (or a mixture of the two)
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
small pinch (less than 1/8 teaspoon) ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon salt (to taste)
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream (optional)

Plain yogurt and fresh dill for garnishing (optional)

In a stockpot, bring the parsnips and stock to a boil.  Lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, until parsnips are very tender.  Add spices.  Taste.  (If you used stock or broth that contains salt, you may not need to add more salt).  If necessary, add salt.  Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary.

Drain parsnips in a colander (be sure to catch the liquid in a large bowl beneath the colander!).  In a food processor fitted with a steel blade (or in a blender), puree the parsnips with a little of the reserved liquid.  Return all reserved liquid to stockpot.  Whisk pureed parsnips into liquid.  Return to a simmer.  Adjust seasonings again, if necessary.  Remove from heat and whisk in the cream, if using. 

Garnish with yogurt and dill, if desired.


  1. This looks so good! I love parsnips and this looks pretty easy to create! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I have to try this. A friend and I were just talking about how overlooked parsnips are. Thank you!
