Recipe Index

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kitchen Efficiency: Crazy Domestic Post 3

Another Wednesday, another "Kitchen Basics" workshop over at! 

Today I'm talking about becoming more efficient in the kitchen.

Please stop by for a visit!

A quick note:

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while may have noticed that since the beginning of the month, my posts have all but stopped. 

On March 2, I went in for my "yearly" doctor's appointment, and the doctor found a lump in my right breast.  That news pretty much put my life in "P" for "park".  I had to wait a week before I was able to get a mammogram and ultrasound.  During that week, I clung to God and poured myself into my husband and kids, realizing more than ever what a blessed woman I am.  The ultrasound showed a small tumor, but the specialists are very confident that it is benign.  We will be monitoring it via ultrasound every 6 months for 2 years.  Praise God for good news!   My faith has been strengthened because of this situation.  (And I am now more than EVER an adcovate for self-exams and getting your booty into the doctor on a regular basis for check-ups!)

March is also a busy time for me with my "other" job:  I am a consultant for a biomedical company.  We submit grants to the National Institutes of Health about different medical technologies, and the deadline is April 5.  So my nose is buried in spreadsheets, data, budgets, and paperwork.

Add to that Timothy's recent visit to the ER with his breathing difficulties, lots of sleepless nights, and my preparation to lead a women's Bible study at my church on the importance of gathering your family around the table, and PHEW.  I barely have time to shower in the mornings much less do all of my regular "mommy" activities. 

So I THANK YOU for your grace and patience as I put blogging (my second favorite thing to do after caring for my chicks and my nest) on the back burner.  Or more like in the freezer.  I hope to be back to my old self in April. 

And to the new blog followers:  thank you so much for deciding to keep tabs on what's cooking over here. 

With a full (but sleepy) heart,


  1. so very thankful to hear the good report from the Dr.! May you find more rest in the coming weeks than you expect and may you and your family know deep health and peace on many levels.

  2. Oh Ginny, what a crazy time! I am glad that your tests results came back benign~what a blessing! It sounds like you have quite a bit going on...will pray that you get through this busy time. I have had to cut back on some blogging due to my commitments, too. It is the best thing to do when we are stressed! hugs, Cathy

  3. Hi, I'm new to your blog, found you over at Crazy Domestic. I really appreciated your post about Meal Preparation : ) Thank you for posting that. I'm sorry to hear of your terrifying news, but thankful to hear you're getting the "all clear". I'm adding you to my Google Reader so I don't miss anything. Thank you for sharing a part of you with all of us out here and well wishes to you.
