Recipe Index

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stocking Your Pantry: Crazy Domestic Post 2

Hello!  I just had to blow the dust off of the "New Post" button on Blogger.  This has been one of the longest stretches I've gone without posting.  It's been a wild week.

I'm so honored to have been asked by the ladies at to prepare this Kitchen Basics workshop.  Putting together the posts (5 in all) has been an enormous amount of work, but it has really helped me zero-in on how very much I love to cook, teach and encourage.  If you are EXCITED to get up at 4:00 AM for three weeks in a row to write, you know you're doing something you love to do...

So thank you for taking the time to read this week's installment on Stocking Your Pantry.

Adieu for now!


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