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Monday, June 27, 2011

Five Years Ago Today...

...I was standing on the cusp of motherhood.  Dipping my toes in the exciting but very uncertain waters.  Flat on my back in the hospital bed, the pitocin dripping away, my epidural in full swing, I had no idea what to expect during this thing called delivery.  Or, for Heaven's sake, immediately afterward.  And trying to nurse a squirming, red-faced little thing?  Timothy knew what to do more than I did. 

 3 days old.

Seriously?  The hospital let us go HOME with him?
We were rather clueless. 

But he was such a doll.

And I was such a novice.

My dear friend Anjie had to come to my
(weepy, exhausted, hormonal) rescue on Day 3.

After single-handedly teaching me how to nurse my baby (God bless you, Anjie!),
she patted my knee and said,


They make pacifiers in many different sizes.  

This one is for a toddler." 
"Oh,"  I said.

 Then she had her husband drive to the store and buy one more appropriately-sized.

Daddy did a lot of this. 

And we had a fair amount of this:

But much more of this.

He is the cutest little chicken that ever crossed the road.

 He's a wonderful big brother.

And he's my buddy, the only person in the world with whom my conversation can encompass both the omnipresence of God and the way an engine works.  

In the same sentence. 

I'm so blessed to be this boy's mommy.
I love you, son. May your life be long and blessed.


  1. This is wonderful! I love following your blog.

  2. That is so sweet! Just brought tears to my eyes... Have a very happy day!

  3. Happy birthday, Timothy! Such a sweet post, Ginny. It IS so hard to believe 5 years have gone by.
