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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Birthday Cake

Today is my birthday.

It's been such a wonderful day.

I'm a very blessed girl.

This evening, as I was doing a few things in the kitchen and Timothy was playing with the water hose in the front yard, there was a knock at the door.

I opened it to find Timothy on the front step.

"Surprise, Mommy! I dressed up in MUD!"

I love this boy. 

He was so excited about his "costume" that all I could do was laugh and grab the camera.

After I hosed him off in the yard (I love summer!), he and Matthew came inside and decorated my birthday cake. (Birthday brownies, to be exact...Ghiradelli Caramel favorite). They were asking their daddy for guidance, which he was happy to provide.

Cake Boss, you'd better watch out.

Just sayin'.

What a great day!

Woody, you'll always have a special place in my heart.  

Thanks so much to all of you who wished me a happy day.  It truly was. 


  1. I love the mud costume. Ohh to be young again.

  2. Happy late birthday I love the mad Child . and the cake. The vanilla wafers was a great Idea love your blog
