Recipe Index

Friday, July 15, 2011

Boys and Butterflies

The butterfly hunters on safari. 

Timothy spots one.
This is serious business.

Ready, set,

Go, GO, GO!!!

Sneak quietly to the prey...

Crouch, and...

(He's tiny, but he's in there).

Now RUN to the house to get the bug cage.

And RUN back.  
(It's the secret to keeping your figure slim and trim.)
 Enthusiasm: the best metabolism booster available.
You can pick up a bottle at your local GNC.

Gently gather the butterfly in your palm to transfer him to the cage.

He escaped!  Remain calm.

 Let's try this again.


Finally. A sigh of relief (from mommy).

Now to gather clover for the little dear.  

Timothy enlists his little brother for help.

Matthew's baby hands slay me.


Shoelessness:  the best thing about summer.

Now for a quick review of the Cars characters...
 "Ite'ning Teen!"  (Lightning McQueen!)

"Watch, Mommy!" exclaims Matthew.  "Me run fast, too!"
 *Grin*  I love these boys.  
I have the best job in the world.

Happy Summer, everyone.

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