Recipe Index

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kale Lasagna

I've been on a kale kick lately. 

(What the kale?) 

Can't help it.  I recently discovered that my local health food store carries organic kale, and I've been going bonkers ever since.  Kale chips.  Kale mixed into Asian stir-fries.  Kale dunked into soups.  And now this: kale lasagna.

It's good for one's heart, soul, and colon.

And I sure do love to multi-task.  :)

If you're brave enough to make this, start out by sauteing 1/2 an onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 8 leaves of kale and 3 leaves of Swiss chard together. 
Add in a 24-ounce jar of your favorite marinara sauce (I used Bertolli's Olive Oil, Basil, and Garlic).
In a separate bowl, mix together ricotta cheese, an egg, Parmesan cheese, basil, and 
grated nutmeg.

Mixing creamy things together makes my troubles melt like lemon drops.

Drop a plop of the kale/chard/marinara mixture into the bottom of a greased 8x8 baking dish.

Layer on some whole wheat "oven ready" (no boil) noodles.

Top with half of the ricotta mixture.

S-p-r-e-a-d- it around.
Repeat the layers until you're out of stuff. 

End with a generous ladle of kale/chard/marinara mixture and top with cheese.

Me:  layering lasagna in the kitchen.
My boys:  wrecking the feng shui of the living room.
Why do I even bother buying pretty pillows?

Kale Lasagna
Serves 6
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 medium onion, finely diced (about 1/2 cup)
3 cloves garlic, minced (about 3 teaspoons)
8 leaves fresh kale, cut away from the center stem and chopped (substitute 5 handfuls of fresh spinach leaves)
3 leaves fresh Swiss chard, cut away from center stem and chopped
1 24-ounce jar of marinara sauce (I used Bertolli's Olive Oil, Garlic, and Basil)
2 cups ricotta cheese
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons dried basil (or 1 teaspoon fresh, chopped)
1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg
6 whole wheat "oven ready" (no boil) lasagna noodles
1/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat.  Saute the onion for 5-6 minutes until softened.  Add garlic.  Saute, stirring often, for 3 minutes.  Add kale and chard and saute for 3-4 minutes more, until leaves begin to wilt.  Pour in the marinara sauce.  Taste for seasoning (add salt and pepper if necessary).  Reduce heat to low and cover.

In a medium bowl, mix together the ricotta, egg, 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, basil, and nutmeg.  

To assemble the lasagna, grease an 8 x 8-inch baking dish.  Add 1 cup of sauce to the dish and spread around evenly.  Top with two noodles.  Spread with about 1/2 of the cheese mixture.  Top with 1 cup sauce, two more noodles, and the remaining ricotta mixture.  End with 1 cup sauce and the grated cheeses.  

Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes until hot and bubbly. 

The printable recipe lives here


  1.! I adore kale! I made an eggplant lasagna last week but this is going to be my next endeavor!

  2. I adore the shot of your son!

    And you make this "if you dare" recipe sound easy and delicious!

  3. That looks really good, thanks for sharing.

  4. Love this recipe! Anne C

  5. Thanks, I will prepare it this Sunday for my dinner party.

  6. Love, love kale - and that last photo, lol! This looks yummmmmyyyy!
