Recipe Index

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gathering Magazine, Fall 2011

She's done it again:  my dear life-long friend Heather Spriggs Thompson has released the second issue of her incredible magazine, Gatherings.  The publication is 120 glorious pages of inspiring fall crafts, holiday ideas, and recipes.  Heather sweetly asked me to contribute some squash recipes: I gladly obliged!  You can view the photos of squash-deliciousness beginning on page 78; the recipes begin on page 112. 

Please pour yourself a cup of something warm and comforting and sit down to feast your eyes on all the loveliness of the autumn season.  You'll see that Heather has done an absolutely incredible job.  She also announced in her forward that she and her husband, Robert, are expecting their first baby in April!  So, keep in mind that Heather did all of this awesome work while in the throes of "morning" sickness.  


  1. Yes, Anjie & Kathi: I agree! Heather is immensely talented.

  2. I love it! Thanks for sharing - I loved the last issue, will have to read this one, too! :)
