Recipe Index

Monday, November 7, 2011

Apple-Almond Cake (SRC)

It's Secret Recipe Club reveal day!

This month I was assigned to Ruchi's Simply Food...a blog written by...Ruchi!  Ruchi, her husband and their toddler live in Gurgaon in the Indian state of Haryana.   Gurgaon (population: 1.5 million) is 18 miles south of New Delhi, the national capital of India.  (Can you tell I love geography?) According to Wikipedia, Gurgaon is the only city in India to have successfully distributed electricity to all of its households.  Ruchi notes that baking is an expensive hobby to have in India.  She takes orders for customized cakes, cookies, cupcakes and other baked goodies.  Way to go, Ruchi!  

I tried several of Ruchi's recipes this month (including this), and decided to "reveal" the Apple-Almond Cake she just recently posted.  I doubled the recipe because I wanted to make it in a tube pan; I also used a lot more apples in my version, and I tossed the apples with cinnamon, sugar, and lemon juice before adding them to the batter.  Ruchi said she adapted the recipe from Dorie Greenspan.  I ADORE the ground almonds in the cake; they will become an ingredient in many of my baked goods henceforth.

I, like Ruchi, didn't use the mixer for this recipe.  Mixing batter by hand is a small pleasure in life.

Begin by whisking together the dry ingredients:  flour, ground almonds, baking powder.

Separately, whisk together the eggs and brown sugar.

Then combine flour and egg mixtures.

Melt the butter.
(Restrain yourself from borrowing your kids' Crazy Straw and emptying the bowl.)

 Add butter to flour/egg mixture.

Mix apples with cinnamon, sugar, and lemon juice.

 And add most of the apples to the batter, reserving about a cup.

 The cake tastes better when a sweet baby helps with the mixing.
(No...he is not doing the feminist fist thing...the mixing spoon is hidden by his sweet chubby hand.)

 Pour mixture into a greased tube pan.

Sprinkle remaining apples on top, if desired.
(The apples will sink as the cake bakes.)
Bake for 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees.

 A slice of autumn.
It was especially delightful toasted for breakfast and spread with pumpkin butter.


Here's the printable recipe.

Apple-Almond Cake
8-10 servings

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup ground almonds
1.5 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup salted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1.5 cups cup brown sugar
4 large eggs
5 apples peeled, cored and cut into chunks
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place an oven rack in the center of the oven.

Generously butter a tube pan (or two loaf pans).

Toss apples with cinnamon, granulated sugar, and lemon juice.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. In a small microwave-safe bowl, melt the butter. In a separate small bowl, whisk together the eggs, brown sugar, and vanilla.  Add the egg mixture and the melted butter to the dry ingredients.  Mix just until incorporated.  Stir in all but a cup of the apples (don't overmix!).

Add batter to the prepared tube pan.  Sprinkle the top with the reserved apples.  Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until cake tester comes out clean.


  1. Love this perfect fall recipe; saving this one.

  2. Your cake looks moist and delicious and I love the idea of toasting it for brekkie with pumpkin butter, yum!

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my SRC recipe this month: Pork Belly Soup with Collard Greens.

    Cook Lisa Cook

  3. Yum! Apples and almonds...sounds delicious!

  4. Mmm, looks like one ideal fall dessert.

  5. This looks so delicious! Great flavors in there - apples and almonds taste so wonderful together. :)

  6. This looks amazing - love the flavors here. Very nice work!

  7. Wow, Ginny! My mouth is watering - this looks fantastic!

  8. That cake looks dleicious. I love apples baked into anything :)

  9. Ooo, this little loaf looks delicious. Nice choice for the SRC!

  10. YUM!! Apple cake with almonds!! Sounds fantastic. And it looks amazingly moist.

  11. The cake looks awesome, love the texture...and I know what I can do with my apples I have now. They will love me at work!

  12. That's a great looking cake...and it's wonderful to meet Ruchi. Would you believe that I live in Gurgaon too? LOL...what a small world!

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