Recipe Index

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Coconut-Pecan Icing

My husband, Chris, has an October 31 birthday.  He said he remembers having late afternoon birthday parties as a kid and then he and all of his guests would put on their Halloween costumes and go out trick-or-treating.  Wow.  Can you even imagine the intensity of those sugar crashes?  

Nearly every year of our married life, I've made Chris a German-Chocolate cake with Coconut-Pecan frosting.  And every year, I've made the cake from scratch and then purchased the Duncan Hines frosting.

This year, I've been paying more attention to labels and ingredients.  So I knew I needed to make my own frosting, too.  And what do you know?  It was really easy, it tasted great, and no one ingested any propyl gallate or sodium metabisulfite. 

I had to make a "regular" chocolate cake this year because I didn't have any German chocolate on hand.  Here's my recipe for my "regular" chocolate cake...(hint:  it'll knock your socks off, it's so good. :)

I made the cakes in 8-inch pans and then doubled a frosting recipe I found online. (I like to generously frost my cakes...).  If you don't want to make this much, halve the recipe below. 

(Be sure to make the frosting a bit ahead of when you're ready to assemble the cakes.  It needs time to cool in order to reach spreading consistency.)

Dash, the Lone Ranger, and the Birthday Boy

Here's the printable recipe. 

Coconut Pecan Frosting and Filling
1 and 1/2 cups evaporated milk
3/4 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
6 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 cups shredded coconut (use sweetened coconut if desired)
1 and 1/2 cup chopped pecans

In a saucepan over medium heat, combine milk, sugars, butter, and vanilla. Bring to a full boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat (mixture might appear a bit curdled). Quickly stir a small amount of the hot liquid into the beaten egg yolks; return egg yolk mixture to the hot mixture in saucepan and blend well. Return to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in coconut and pecans. Transfer to a large bowl and refrigerate.  Cool to spreading consistency, stirring occasionally.

Frosting recipe from here.


  1. This is my favorite frosting of all time! When I was a kid my mom used to buy the store bought version and keep it in the fridge... I would eat it by the spoon full as a treat. Now I make my own... similar recipe to yours.

  2. love this icing but always got it out of can before now we can make it our selves thanks for recipe come see what I shared at

  3. When I was a child I was not fond of frosting. Its very recently that I have started frosting...I need to try this recipe

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