Recipe Index

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homemade Almond Butter

Homemade almond butter requires three things:  almonds, a food processor (or a hefty blender), and about 10 minutes of your time.
I used 12 ounces of almonds.  The almonds (or other nuts) can be raw, roasted, salted, etc.  Whatever you prefer. 

When you begin processing, the almonds will clump together at first.  You'll have to stop and scrape down the sides of the food processor bowl several times, especially in the beginning.

 (The almonds during their lovely, creamy transformation...)

And before you know it (after 8-10 minutes of processing), you've got almond "butter".

Pure and simple.

(Wouldn't this make a great gift?)

Here are some other goodies to consider making at home:
Homemade Graham Crackers
Homemade Chocolate Syrup

Printable Recipe

Homemade Almond Butter
(Makes 1.25 cups)

12 ounces whole almonds

Place almonds in food processor and turn it on.  Almonds will begin to clump together after about 30-45 seconds (keep in mind that food processors will vary in performance/processing time).  If the blade is spinning and the almond bits appear to be "stuck" in place, stop the motor and scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula.  You may have to stop the processor to scrape down the sides every 10-20 seconds in the beginning.  The longer the almonds are processed, the more liquified they become.  I processed these almonds for 9 minutes, resulting in a very smooth "butter".


  1. Ginny, I make a tub of almond butter every week or so (I have a severe intolerance to peanuts :( ), but I always roast the almonds on a cookie sheet first! I never considered starting with raw almonds, I'll have to see how I like cutting out that first step, although the roasting almonds make the house smell like heaven :)

  2. I wonder what it taste like? I love to eat peanut butter but its ordinary. That's why I want to try this myself and see what it taste like.adelaide search engine optimization
