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Monday, December 17, 2012

National Blogging Day of Remembrance--Sandy Hook Elementary

 I had a different post prepared for today.

One about a cake.

But I can't even consider posting it because my heart is completely disjointed from writing about cakes that are dripping with chocolate.

Friday's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut has the nation in a state of shock.  It has parents hugging their children more tightly than usual.  It has moms dropping off their kids at school this morning with stomachs twisted in concern and worry, their hearts sending up pleas to God for safety and protection. 

As I tucked Timothy, my kindergartener, into bed on Friday night, my heart felt sore as I thought of the beds in Connecticut that lay empty.  Presents under Christmas trees that will go unopened.  The hell of the approaching celebration in the midst of excruciating pain.

A murdered child:  what greater pain can a parent endure?  And the families of the adults who were killed...children who are suddenly without a parent, spouses who suddenly find themselves facing life alone?   The shock and shame that the Lanza family must be experiencing?  The horror of it all is unfathomable.

I imagine the parents and loved ones of those murdered on Friday are not surfing the Internet today, looking to see that the blogging community is honoring them.  I imagine they can barely breathe. 

But prayers are lifted here for you, Sandy Hook victims.  And while we know that nothing we could ever write or give will erase the black holes in your hearts and spirits, we want you to know that we stand with you in your grief as we go about our lives.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is John 11:35:  "Jesus wept."  It reminds me that I serve a compassionate and tender God.  Do I understand why horrid things like this happen?  Absolutely not.  All I know is we live in a world that has fallen so far from how God designed and intended for it to be. 

"The LORD is near to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."  
Psalm 34:18


  1. Utterly correct situation to leave blogging for the day.. I posted a list of all the names on facebook, and asked for prayers there.. such agony of all concerned will never bring them back, but at least we are all united in condemming such terrible acts.. RIP all the dead, and God help the living left behind to care. janzi
