Recipe Index

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Homemade Toffee (Gluten-Free)

A buttery, crunchy, chocolaty treat.  Perfect to give away as a lovely homemade gift.

It's very simple to prepare. 

First, line a baking sheet with foil.  Scatter a cupful of slivered almonds over the foil.*

In a large, heavy skillet (preferably cast-iron), melt butter, salt, and sugar together over medium heat. 

Stir nearly constantly with a wooden spoon as the mixture melts,

And then begins to thicken.

Soon it will darken and become so thick as to leave "trails" where your spoon has been.  You're getting close. (Note:  The melting/caramelizing process took about 20 minutes.  BUT the exact amount of time will vary depending on the type/size of skillet you use and the heat of your stove.)

Once the mixture becomes the color of peanut butter, immediately remove skillet from the heat,

And carefully pour over the almonds. 

Next scatter the contents of a bag of bittersweet chocolate chips immediately over the hot butter/sugar mixture. 

Allow chocolate to sit for about 5 minutes (until softened),

Then spread it over the butter/almond mixture using an offset spatula or the back of a spoon.

Allow candy to harden (overnight in a cool spot works well), then break into pieces or slice with a sharp knife.

Wonderful to give away...

Or to keep.

*Use a smaller rimmed baking sheet to achieve thicker layers of toffee and chocolate.   Toffee pictured above was prepared in a 12" x 12" free-form square.

Printable recipe lives here.

Homemade Toffee (also called Almond Rocha)
Makes 12" x 12" square of toffee; to be broken up as desired

1 cup slivered, sliced, or chopped almonds
1 cup granulated sugar
14 tablespoons butter (margarine will not work)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 (10-ounce) package bittersweet (or semi-sweet) chocolate chips

Spread almonds on a cookie sheet that has been lined with foil.  (Note:  use a smaller rimmed baking sheet to achieve thicker layers of toffee and chocolate.)

Place butter, salt, and sugar in a large heavy skillet (preferable cast-iron) over medium heat.  Stir continuously with a wooden spoon and cook until mixture is thick and is the color of peanut butter.  (Cooking times will vary based on skillet size and material...allow anywhere from 15-25 minutes of committed stirring time.)

Once mixture has reached the correct color, immediately pour it evenly over the almonds.  Quickly scatter the chocolate chips over the hot toffee mixture.  Allow chocolate to rest for 4-5 minutes, then spread over the toffee mixture.  Let set until cool and hardened.  Break or cut into pieces.  Store in airtight container in a cool place.