Recipe Index

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How To Chiffonade Basil

My basil plants are exploding with growth this year. 

So I'm putting it into everything.  (Seriously.  I made a blueberry smoothie the other day and added basil; it was actually good.)

Long, dreary winter days lay ahead; I know I will dream about my herb garden and miss fresh basil.  But in the meantime, I want to use this herb as efficiently as possible.  And for me, that means cutting it into chiffonade.  (That's just the French term for cutting a leafy herb or veggie into long, thin strips.)

It's super-easy and quick.  
Just stack the leaves.

Roll them together like a cigar.

And slice into thin ribbons. 

Voila.  Ready to be tossed into...anything!

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