Recipe Index

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Honey-Vanilla "Marshmallow" Creme (No Corn Syrup)

This Marshmallow Creme is basically a sturdy meringue.  It doesn't have the exact same texture as say, the jarred stuff at the grocery story, but it is VERY close.  (And it doesn't have any corn syrup.  Woot!)


Begin by combining 3 egg whites and 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar in the bowl of a stand mixer.  Beat with the whisk attachment on medium-high speed until soft, spongy peaks begin to form.

Switch the mixer off for a second.  Combine water and sugar in a medium saucepan.  (I used organic sugar here which is why the liquid has a darker tint than if I had used regular granulated sugar.)

 Pour in 1/2 cup of honey.

And bring the liquid to an all-out boil.  (If using a candy thermometer, you want it to be at 240 degrees F.  If you don't have a candy thermometer, that's OK.  Just let it boil furiously for about 1 minute.  Stir occasionally.)

Now, turn the mixer back on to LOW speed and carefully drizzle the liquid mixture down the side of the mixing bowl.  You do not want to pour it in all at once.  The eggs whites will cook and you will cry

After all the liquid has been incorporated, turn the mixer speed to HIGH and let it whisk itself away for about 6-7 minutes---stiff, glossy, peaks should be forming at this point.

Getting close!

Now we'll add the vanilla and the pinch of salt and whisk on high for about 2 more minutes.

Perfection.  The honey-vanilla flavor is amazing.  This stuff is ready for use as a filling in "Fauxstess" Cupcakes or as an icing on your favorite cake.
If you can say "no" to licking this beater clean, please send me some of your willpower.

(Here's the printable recipe.)

DIY Honey-Vanilla Marshmallow Creme
Makes about 5 fluffy cups

3 large egg whites
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar (this can be found in the spice section at the grocery store)
 3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pinch of salt

Step 1:  In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the egg whites and the cream of tartar.  Using the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites until soft peaks begin to form.  Turn the mixer off as you start Step 2.     

Step 2:  Combine the sugar, honey and water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.  Bring mixture to a boil (if you have a candy thermometer, now would be a great time to attach it to the side of the pot; you want it to reach about 240 degrees F).  I do not have a candy thermometer and this recipe worked just fine without it.  I allowed the sugar/honey/water mixture to come to a boil and then allowed it to boil (bubbling furiously) for about 1 minute; I stirred it frequently.

Step 3:  As the sugar/honey/water mixture begins to boil, turn the mixer back on low speed.  Begin pouring the liquid honey/sugar mixture into the egg white mixture SLOWLY, allowing the liquid to gently drizzle down the side of the mixing bowl; if you dump it all in at once or too quickly, the egg whites will get cooked.  After all of the liquid has been added to the egg whites, return the speed to medium-high and continue to mix for 6-7 minutes until it begins to look stiff and glossy.  

Step 4:  Add in the vanilla and the salt and continue mixing (with the whisk attachment still) for another 2 minutes.  

Use immediately or store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. 

Recipe slightly modified from Annie's Eats DIY Marshmallow Creme (I substituted honey for the corn syrup and used 3 egg whites instead of 2).


  1. AWESOME!! You made it without corn syrup! I never even thought about using honey instead, silly me. :) You know, this recipe is very similar to the divinity I make at Christmas (although it has corn syrup in it...wonder if it would work with honey...) although it sets up pretty stiff. You have to cook the sugar syrup to the hard ball stage (266°) - I'm sure that's the difference.

    I wonder what the shelf life of homemade marshmallow creme is. Any idea??

  2. Well, the original recipe (using corn syrup) said it keeps for 2 weeks in the fridge. I'm not sure I have the willpower to make it last that long. :)

    I need to get a candy thermometer!

  3. I've made a similar frosting, and I find it crusts over after it sits out for a few hours. I know the addition of honey or corn syrup to a caramel will keep that candy from crystallizing, so I'm hoping it does something similar here. Fires this frosting get a crust?

  4. Your wrote egg whites and cream of tartar twice.. how much of each am I supposed to add? Thanks!

  5. Hi. Does this still taste like marshmallow?
