Look at this gorgeously peaceful cover of the latest issue of her online magazine, Gatherings.
Pour yourself a nice cup of tea and click through it's beautiful pages here!
Heather so kindly asked me to contribute to this issue...my "Sorbet Soiree" article begins on page 82. The funny thing is, it was over 105 on the day I photographed the fast-melting sorbets and today I have oranges and cloves simmering on the stove to lend a cozy scent to this 48-degree afternoon! Seasons change so swiftly.
I am so proud of my precious friend. What an honor it is to have such a talented beauty as my heart sister.
Congratulations, Heather.
I poured over this when you posted it on FB a week or so ago, I think I was too crazed with baby to remember to comment back to you how much I loved it! LOVED. IT. And what an honor to you to be able to contribute!