Recipe Index

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Aunts, Boys, Trains, and Finding Long-Lost Friends...

Last week, my dear Aunt Jeanie came to visit us.  She is one of my Daddy's big sisters.  Since he passed away in 1996, if I want to catch a glimpse of him and hear a feminine version of his voice, I visit my Aunt Jeanie.  Despite our 30-year age difference, we have always had similar souls. 

We crammed a lot into our short visit.  As soon as she pulled into the driveway, Timothy took her on a tour of our property.  She still had her car keys in her hand as he led her around the pond, the SkyFort, showed her his bike, and demonstrated the levers, buttons and knobs on the Kubota tractor (it was off, of course!).  When he finally let her come inside, she and I sat down and had our afternoon coffee together (a family tradition). 

The following day, after picking Timothy up from school, we all drove through the Ozark mountains to the quirky little town of Eureka Springs and rode the train.

You cannot see him in this picture,
but Timothy is busy inspecting the gadgets inside the engine.

Cutest little passenger.

It was an out-and-back train ride.  We were able to get out, put coins on the track, and watch the engine run over them (a priceless moment for Timothy).  On the way back, the conductor let Chris and Timothy ride in the engine and "toot" the horn.  Timothy was over the moon (and so was his daddy).

Aunt Jeanie had to make the long drive back to Houston the following morning.  We sure do miss her.

It's been a busy week.  I've been fighting off a cold, and haven't cooked much.  But--joy of joys!--I was reconnected with a long-lost college friend yesterday.  And, even though we haven't talked for nearly 10 years, it turns out that we have a lot in common, and she loves to cook, too!  We're going to swap some recipes soon.  I can't wait to share some of them with you.

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful talking with you too Ginny. Love to you are your sweet family. Many many recipes to come your way.
