Recipe Index

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just Powerwash It

We bought a power washer.

We've been talking about buying one for almost 10 years.

But yesterday, we bought it.

Project #1:  clean out the culvert under our road.  It was full of decades of run-off, chip-and-seal from the road, and root balls from nearby trees, and each time we get a significant amount of rain, it overflows.  What would have taken a full day's work with the water hose was accomplished in two hours.


Next up:  the picket fence.  We built and stained it in 2002.  Although still charming, it was covered with a strange mossy substance (not "cool" mossy, like lichen, but gross mossy, like algae).  I loved watching Chris and the 16-year-old neighbor kid grin with satisfaction as they cleaned the first slat.  It looked like they were spraying on a new coat of white paint; the grime just flew right off.

Then, one of them got the bright idea to "wash" a smiley face into the driveway.  Unless your driveway is brand-new, you have no idea how grimy it is.  In contrast to Mr. Smiley Face, ours was nearly black: 40 years has taken its toll.  Clever as it was, the smiley face had to go.  That meant the whole driveway needed to be washed.

While listening to the football game, of course.

Now, my mind is racing.  What else can we clean?!

I'm tempted to don a pair of safety glasses, and go out there and stretch my lips back from my teeth and have Chris power wash the heck out of them.  Goodbye, coffee stains!  Goodbye, plaque! 

Then I will drag out our kitchen table and turn it over so he can power wash where the boys stealthily wipe their fingers during meals.

Next up, the rugs.

After that:  the toilets!  The showers!  The rock fireplace that always seems to be harboring spiders, dust, and dirt. 

The laundry room floor! 

The diaper pail!

The ceiling fans!

The kids' play shoes!

The inside of my oven!

If only my house had a drain. 

What would you power wash if you could?  A rude neighbor?  An irritating family member?  Some punk that's being mean to your kid at school?

 Don't worry.  We won't judge you.  This is a safe place.

A nice and clean safe place.


  1. I'll take one please. Can you loan out your husband? How about an algae covered rock wall? and mailbox and vinyl siding. Along with my anxiety stomach.. feels like their some algae growing in their for sure.
    LOL!! Loved the teeth idea though!! Love the way you think...
    thanks i needed a laugh tonight! :)

  2. gosh. sorry. i had so many grammatical errors in the last comment post. i hope your mom doesn't read them. im just not feeling well. i know that my "their" 's should have been "there"

  3. I saw it Heather! I do hope you're feeling better by now.
