Recipe Index

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello, there!

Thanks for checking's been almost a week since I've posted. I miss cooking dearly. The construction on our addition is nearly complete, but in the meantime, the house is chaotic. Nightstands and bunk beds in the living room, guest bed mattresses leaning against the wall in our bedroom...dust EVERYWHERE. Construction workers tracking MUD(!) up and down the hall. All the while, I've been trying to keep my little ones out of the way. So, that doesn't leave much cooking time! We are hoping to be done by the end of the week. Very exciting!

Until I can post my next recipe, here's a lovely photo of my peonies! I've cut almost all of them from the plant (a little problem I have) and they are in vases all around the house, trying to subtract from the messiness. What an incredible fragrance!

I'll be around soon!


  1. Beautiful flowers! And I totally understand - I was sooo glad to have our addition finished last year! I had my microwave in the laundry room, the refrigerator in the original kitchen area, my kitchen cart in the living room and most of our pantry in our bedroom. And many kitchen appliances in boxes on the patio. Little cooking was done. I'm so excited for y'all!! :)

  2. Hey Ginny, your peonies are gorgeous...mine are finally ready to be cut & brought in today!! You have been a busy momma!! Renovation makes me crazy!! Glad you are keeping it together!

    I tried your chicken fajitas and they were awesome!! The whole family loved them!!!

    I love lemon chicken and cucumbers so I will be trying those recipes next!! hugs, cathy
