Recipe Index

Friday, February 22, 2013

Double Chocolate Coffee "Creamer" (It's "Skinny" and Vegan)

This girl loves her coffee.

At one time, I had every "International Delights"  flavor in my refrigerator door. 

But when I decided to cut processed foods and chemicals from my diet, those things were the first to go.

Organic/homemade coffee creamers have been flooding the internet.  

So I decided to throw my little hat in the ring, too!

But I wanted my version to be dairy free and "skinny", since I am on a mission to rock wear a swimsuit this summer.

Introducing my Double Chocolate "Creamer".  It's "skinny" (approximately 40 calories per 1/4 cup), and it's vegan (made from almond and coconut milks).  

While it won't lighten up the color of your coffee the way a traditional milk-based creamer will, if you can get past that mental hurdle, I think you'll really enjoy this stuff.  I suggest starting with ratio of 6 ounces of coffee to 1/4 cup of creamer.  (You could always add extra coconut milk or splurge and add heavy cream.)  

And don't worry---you can't taste the flavor of the maple syrup at all.

Double Chocolate Coffee "Creamer" (It's "Skinny" and Vegan)
Makes a little over 2 cups

1 cup coconut milk (I used Silk PureCoconut)
1 cup dark chocolate almond milk (I used Silk PureAlmond Dark Chocolate)
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (NOT pancake syrup)

In a saucepan set over medium heat, whisk together all ingredients until cocoa powder has been incorporated. 

Transfer to glass jar or container.  Use immediately or store, refrigerated, in a glass jar or other container for up to 7 days.

(For a "peppermint mocha" spin, add 1 teaspoon of pure peppermint extract the saucepan has been removed from the heat source.)

P.S. - While I realize that the coconut and almond milks can be considered "processed", I'm choosing to not be nit-picky about that little fact.  :)

This recipe was my inspiration:  I just swapped out the milks to make mine vegan.

1 comment:

  1. Gereja Pusara Kudus juga dikenal sebagai situs Golgota dan dipercaya sebagai tempat paling akhir lajur Lewat Dolorosa (Jalan Salib). Tempatnya tidak jauh dari Tembok Ratapan dan Mushola Al-Aqsa yaitu di atas bukit Golgota. Di saat hari raya Paskah, situs ini jadi situs yang paling ramai banjir oleh peziarah dari umat Kristiani di semua sisi dunia.

    Nazaret Tur menyarankan setiap peziarah menyempatkan diri waktu ada di seputar batu untuk berdoa dan kenang Kembali bagaimana besar cinta kasih Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang ikhlas mati untuk membayar dosa setiap manusia terhitung kita.
