Recipe Index

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Oil, Honey, Cinnamon and Almonds

Several nights ago, we had sweet potatoes with our dinner. 

I prepared a "traditional" one for my husband--loaded with butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. 

Opting for a healthier version for myself, I got out my new best friend--coconut oil--and added a generous dollop.  Then I drizzled on a bit of honey, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a small handful of almonds. 

It was wonderful.  I hope you try it!

Printable Recipe

Baked Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Oil, Honey, Cinnamon, and Almonds
(One serving listed below; increase as necessary)

Baked sweet potato
1 teaspoon coconut oil (if it's in solid form, it will quickly melt with the heat of the potato)
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon honey*
1 tablespoon almonds

Slice a baked sweet potato lengthwise, but not all the way through.  Place the coconut oil on the potato flesh.  Top with the cinnamon, drizzle with the honey, and toss the almonds over the surface of the potato.  Use a fork to mash the potatoes and other ingredients together.  Serve immediately.

*You can substitute maple syrup for the honey in order to make this vegan.


  1. How have I not thought to use coconut oil on sweet potatoes? I use it on so many things! Thank you - this sounds DELISH!!

  2. As luck would have it, I have sweet potatoes in my fridge!! Yeah. Will be trying this soon! Just searched some of your yummy recipes and came up with some great ideas for dinner. Thanks, Ginny! You are amazing! hugs, cathy

  3. I just found your page after googling sweet potatoes with coconut oil because I JUST had a baked sweet potato with dinner and decided to use coconut oil as a topping. All I used was a little bit of the oil and some cinnamon and it was SO good! It's definitely going to be a new staple side dish in my house. :)

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