Thursday, July 19, 2012

Roadtrip Rehash - Part 3

We recently returned from a two-week vacation...I'm rehashing it here in case I never get around to recording it in a scrapbook (very likely).  Here are Parts 1 and 2.

Halfway through our week-long stay in D.C., we met up with one of Chris' beautiful sisters, her husband, and their precious daughter. 

This photo makes me think:  maybe we need a little girl of our own?!

Then it was off to a splash park.

Three cheers for built-in vehicular entertainment systems!  They're worth every penny.

It's blurry, I know.  But I couldn't pass the opportunity of sharing our photo with an "Uncle Sam" who has a glued-on goatee and is distributing cake pops. 

We went on a tour of the monuments.  I can't stop thinking about this:

Photo by Matthew. 

This is what it looks like when my heart sprouts legs and walks in front of me: I love these guys.

Matthew actually made a request to this sidewalk guitarist:  "Sir, tan you pweese pway 'Dis Wittle Wight of Mine'?'"  And the man did!  Made my mama heart so happy.

We saw the Changing of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.  It was powerful.
When you approach the area to witness the changing of the guards, signage abounds reminding you that you are in a special place and you need to be respectful.  "Silence and Respect", they implore.  "Conduct Yourselves with Dignity and Respect."  And my personal favorite:  "No Talking, No Gum Chewing."  AMEN!  A person cannot have a truly deep level of respect for the sacrifice of a stranger's life for their personal freedom while they're smacking on a piece of gum.  SPIT IT OUT!

Here, Chris explains how all of these people died for our freedom and how we need to honor and respect them.

Speaking of teaching them how to respect...
(I'm not sure that they really learned much from this particular corner-standing time because they were both giggling, saying "We're in the corner at the 'otel'!  This is funny!")  The little stinkers. 

Time to head home.  Arkansas or bust!

It's so good to be home.

Thanks for suffering through the family photo albums!  Hope your summer is going well.


1. an apropos beginning said...

so sweet, ginny!

2. Erin Southwell said...

aww, love the picture of your family plus the sweet little girl ;) the boys in the corner is hilarious! glad you had such a great trip!